Effects of orgonite on the Environment
The examples below are all large-scale examples that often involve hundreds of kilos of orgonites.
Depollution of water bodies
I will try to make an extended report on Lake Geneva in Geneva which is a lake which has been orgonized several times since the end of 2006 and whose water quality documents are very easily accessible.
The first gifting expedition was made in December 2006, you can find the details on this page: https://web.archive.org/web/20140114072600/http://www.ethericwarriors.com/forum/specific-targets/lake-geneva-1
Others added some more orgonites in 2008, I don’t know exactly when.
And I went back there in April 2011: https://web.archive.org/web/20140114124623/http://www.ethericwarriors.com/forum/orgone-experiences/geneva-gifting-and-department-74-france
There was first an article published in the GHI (Swiss newspaper) on May 10, 2007
MYSTERY – Lake Geneva clearer than ever
By Charaf Abdessemed, May 10, 2007The water of Lake Geneva is so clear that it is easy to observe the lake bottoms. (Photo)
The water of Lake Geneva is so clear that it is easy to observe the lake bottoms. (Photo)
Never in 40 years has the lake’s water been so transparent. An enigma that leaves scientists perplexed.“At the clear fountain, going for a walk
I found the water so clear that I bathed in it … ”Genevans will be able to hum this loud rhyme from our childhood. Never for several decades, in fact, has the water of Lake Geneva been so clear.
You just have to walk on the quays or on the banks of the Rhône to realize it: the lake bottoms are easily discernible, to the point that algae, schools of fish, but also pipes and other underwater infrastructure are observable with great ease.Eutrophication
“This situation leaves us really perplexed,” explains Jean Perfetta, scientific assistant at the Service of water ecology, at the Department of the territory. At this time of year, the lake water should be much more cloudy! Due to the exceptionally high temperature for the season, the increase in light with the arrival of spring, and the presence of phosphorus due to fertilizers in the water, the plankton should have proliferated and returned the water much less clear. This year, this phenomenon is not happening! ”Since the 60s and 70s, in fact, the lake has been the subject of a strong tendency to “eutrophication”, that is to say the proliferation of microscopic plants, due to the increase in the discharge of fertilizer, linked to population growth and human activity.
A phenomenon of deterioration in the quality of water which led, at the beginning of the 1980s, to the adoption of measures intended to promote the sanitation of the lake: on the one hand, the ban on phosphates in detergents , but also the construction of numerous treatment plants intended to treat waste water.
“Despite these measures, this eutrophication phenomenon has not slowed down, notes Jean Perfetta. Microscopic algae, that is, plankton, continued to proliferate, at least until last year. On the other hand, it is therefore possible that what we have been waiting for a long time is finally happening: the clarity of the waters that we observe today is perhaps the result of the efforts made for 30 years. But beware, nature is very complex: we will have to wait a year or two to see if this phenomenon happens again! ”
These people were obviously not aware of the orgonites in the lake; this sudden clarity of water just a few months after the first expedition to put orgonites in the lake is quite obvious and they don’t really have an exact answer to explain this sudden phenomenon.
More recent and technical studies of water were available on this page: http://etat.geneve.ch/dt/eau/qualite_eau-878-5277-12510.html
I will quote the conclusions of this document which also have some pretty nice points cipel_micropolluants_2010
The results of the basic monitoring program are not surprising and confirm the results of the previous year. The heavy metal contents of Lake Geneva waters remain stable and relatively low. These fully meet the requirements for drinking water within the meaning of the various legislations. Total pesticide concentrations have stabilized since 2008 and have fluctuated between 0.1 and 0.2 μg·L-1. All the individual concentrations measured are lower than those fixed for drinking water (0.1 μg·L-1 per compound). Compared to previous years, no new pesticides have been detected in significant concentrations.
The expanded program of analyzes (pesticides, drugs, triclosan, bisphenol A, alkyl phenols) carried out on the lake and rivers in May 2010 confirms the results of the complementary program of 2009. Certain drugs (notably metformin, gabapentin, carbamazepine, carisoprodol and contrast agents) are to be monitored closely due to the large concentrations that may have been measured in the lake or rivers. The ecotoxicological data of these new micropollutants will have to be completed in order to be able to better assess both the environmental risks and those relating to drinking water. From the point of view of pesticides, the Rhône remains the main vector of micropollutants and fully justifies the continuous monitoring program set up at Porte du Scex by the Valais authorities.
The determination of alkyl phenols also confirmed the worrying results obtained in 2009. Although these compounds have been banned from use since 2005, the concentrations measured clearly suggest that this is not yet the case. Several samples showed a content that greatly exceeded the value of the PNEC. Steps should be taken to identify the sources of these releases.
The concentrations of micropollutants in rivers are extremely variable. Without being able to give an overall picture of the situation prevailing in the watershed, the results of the two extended campaigns of November 2009 and May 2010 show that there is little information on the flows of micropollutants. A flow assessment and modeling of micropollutants in the Lake Geneva basin is envisaged in order to obtain solid bases for improving the monitoring of micropollutants and establishing a reduction strategy at critical points.
The most interesting point is the stabilization of total pesticides since 2008 which is not surprising knowing what you know here; the municipality is doing a lot to improve the quality of the water in the lake, but that does not explain why all these efforts suddenly materialized around 2008, the proliferation of macrophytes which also became widespread around 2008 also plays an important role and I have no doubt in my mind that orgonites have helped beneficial aquatic plants to grow, just like what happens with terrestrial flora. Here are the conclusions of this following document, RapportRade2008
The study of the Rade and Port Choiseul macrophytes in 2008, as well as the comparisons made with old data from 1972 and the end of the 90s, made it possible to describe the general evolution of wealth and abundance of the different species present.
With 17 species in the harbor and 8 species in Port Choiseul, the richness in macrophytes is satisfactory, given the historical data. The significant recent growth of characeae could have raised fears of a trivialization of aquatic flora, as had happened in the 1980s with the proliferation of Potamogeton pectinatus. The diversity of habitats on the lake shore still allows the most sensitive species to survive.
The noted development of characeae is an encouraging sign relative to the health of Lake Geneva. The extension of seagrass beds, especially in the deepest areas, poses no management problem. On the contrary, it is beneficial to aquatic fauna, directly for example for pike or crayfish and indirectly for water birds that feed on the macrofauna fixed on the characeae.
If there are negative aspects to the development of macrophytes in 2008, it would mainly be problems linked to shallow harbors (< 3m of water) and to the cleaning of the strikes on which the characeae run aground in high winds, mainly in late summer and fall.
The management plan for cuttings of aquatic plants, implemented in 2000 and updated in 2008, has proven its worth. The directives given are topical and must be applied as best as possible by the teams of the SEE. It should be noted that the main problem of the years 2000-2003 was the proliferation of Elodea nuttallii which created discomfort for navigation and swimming.
The efforts made have borne fruit and currently, this plant does not pose any more problems, to be followed however… Particular attention must be given to the monitoring of pondweeds (Potamogeton lucens, P. perfoliatus and P. x decipiens) are rare in Geneva and must be protected.
Finally, the various studies of aquatic vegetation for over 30 years have made it possible to accumulate useful data for the biomonitoring of Lake Geneva as a whole; the bioindicative value of macrophytes, used on the scale of several decades, shows a certain interest and should help to promote future investigations concerning the macrophytes of Lake Geneva.
The development of macrophytes in 2008 is harmful for practical reasons, however they have beneficial effects for the lake:
It should be kept in mind that a great diversity of macrophytes is important for itself but also for the associated fauna and for the quality of the waters.
In summary, it is recognized that macrophytes are important for benthic macrofauna, whether or not attached to plants, for fish and for waterbirds. The most telling recent case is the increase in the number of pike which find, with the dense meadows of characeae, a new habitat favorable to their reproduction, habitat which was lacking in the last decades.
On the other hand, the self-purifying power of macrophytes is also well documented, through their ability to oxygenate water and assimilate nutrients which, otherwise, generally benefit the algae which cause problems when they proliferate, in particular in ports.
It is therefore essential to preserve the macrophytes of the lake, even if sometimes, certain species pose problems for navigation, even very locally for swimming.
I would have liked a report for 2012 and more for the Petit Lac (sector near Geneva), to know what has happened since the addition of other orgonites after 2010.
This example is perhaps not as clear as that because at the same time as the orgonite, the authorities are making every effort to improve the quality of the water of the lake, however all the positive changes observed since 2008 are very close to the period when the first orgonites were placed in the lake.
Another highly orgonized aquatic area is the Seine in the middle of Paris, there must be more than 1500 orgonites (Tower Busters) that have been launched there since 2008-2009. Unfortunately I can not find detailed studies of aquatic fauna, the only information I found is: http://www.paris.fr/loisirs/nature-et-biodiversite/lieux-de-decouverte-de-la-biodiversite/faune-flore-des-berges-de-la-seine/rub_9588_stand_2175_port_23610
Although tamed, starting with its flow controlled upstream by a set of dams, the Seine remains in Paris a natural element, a corridor of nature that cuts the capital in two.
The sharp decline in pollution observed in recent years has allowed the re-establishment of aquatic plants and the return of fish of various species. Mallards, coots, wagtails… also count among the inhabitants of the Seine, without forgetting the winter procession of seagulls and gulls whose evolutions bring a scent of the open sea.
I would like to have more detailed information to know when the pollution started to decrease markedly? It will not surprise me at all that it is from 2009. Because you can also read this news from August 2009: http://tempsreel.nouvelobs.com/planete/20090811.OBS7138/le-retour-spontane-du-saumon-a-paris.html
Created on the 11-08-2009 at 09h06
According to the National Fishing Federation, a thousand salmon have “crossed Paris”, in a less and less polluted Seine.Salmon and other species of migratory fish are back in the Seine, a sign of a marked improvement in the quality of the river water, no operation of reintroduction having taken place, noted recently scientists and fishermen, one learned Tuesday August 11.
“There are more and more fish coming up the Seine. This year, it exceeds all that we could have imagined: we must be at a thousand salmon who have crossed Paris” , believes Bernard Breton, secretary general of the National Federation of Fishing in France (FNPF).
In 2008, according to the National Institute for Agronomic Research (INRA), 260 salmon were observed by video-counting in the fish pass at the Poses dam, located upstream from Rouen.
Historically, the Seine was a river colonized by an abundant population of salmon.
But the construction of dams and other obstacles and especially the sharp increase in pollution following industrial, agricultural and domestic discharges, led to the extinction of the species at the beginning of the 20th century.
These observations occurred about a year after the first mass introductions of orgonites in the Seine in Paris! Another coincidence?
Rainwater depollution
You can find the comment below on this page (you must register for the forum): Gifting de la Creuse
Today I must have about 300 TB at home (they are absolutely everywhere!) + 2 CB (Cloudbuster) + 1 CB (but with tubes of 1m for now). Now I’m pretty sure they can no longer take over… and you will see in the next pictures that they have sent reinforcements…
On the pollution side there is also the fact that the stagnating water was red. 1 simple test was enough: 1 clean basin to collect rainwater, and 1 or 2 days later, it was red!
For the moment it is finished, on the contrary, the water is particularly transparent.
This observation of rainwater once again becoming completely clear is edifying compared to the effects of orgonite on atmospheric pollution.
Air depollution
Several people took care of dispersing more than a thousand orgonites (Tower Buster) and 10 Cloudbuster in the capital of Chile; Santiago; between early 2007 and 2009, and they still continue. The changes in the atmosphere speak for themselves, unfortunately I can’t find any studies that examine the air until 2011, the majority of studies go until 2008 at most.
This graphic available on: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0269749111005896 shows the number of days in the year when the official pollution thresholds were exceeded. It would be great to know if the decrease that started between 2006-2007 and 2007-2008 still continues? It would not surprise me.
Air quality data (particles MP10 & MP2.5) are available on this page: http://www.seremisaludrm.cl/sitio/pag/aire/indexjs3aireindices-prueba.asp but I don’t have time to synthesize everything to put it in the form of a graph.
Also on http://www.seremisaludrm.cl/sitio/pag/aire/indexjs3airee001.asp we can have the days in the year when there were critical pollution alerts (but these are not the same alert thresholds as on the graph above), apart from the years 2004/2005, all in other years there were around 20 alerts and around ten pre-alerts. In 2009 there were only 23 alerts (no pre-alerts) and in 2010 only 11 alerts, for the moment the data for 2011 are not yet published. It will be interesting to follow the trends.
We should also note the lies of the authorities! Who first said that they did not know why there were such favourable changes in terms of pollution in 2009 and attributed this to a favourable climate. http://www.santiagotimes.cl/santiagotimes/index.php/2009081316884/news/environmental-news/santiago-smog-levels-lowest-in-four-years.html Of course this page has disappeared …
Santiago Smog levels lowest in four years
Friday, 14 August 2009Geologists Attribute Decline To More Wind And Rain
Residents of the Metropolitan Region have been “blessed” with wind and rain this winter, according to Chile’s National Environment Agency (CONAMA), whose studies show the lowest pollution levels since 2005.
The capital city records alarmingly high levels of smog in winter as emissions accumulate and become trapped in the basin where the capital lies. Only wind and rain can disperse the high levels of particulate matter produced by the city’s bus network, industry emissions and citizen’s fossil fuel burning heaters. Experts claim that the decrease in emissions is due to climactic factors rather than the implementation of government measures or a change in habits from the regions’ inhabitants.
The study was based on the number of critical and pre-emergency alerts relating to air pollution and grouped according to the dangerous effects on human health. The perturbing pre-emergency status is reserved for days where saturation levels are so high that it is deemed dangerous to breathe the air and the capital’s residents are advised to stay indoors as much as possible.
CONAMA recorded ten days as critical and two days as pre-emergency so far this year. Since 2005, which saw four critical and two pre-emergency days, smog levels have increased exponentially. The increase has been put down to an increase in fossil fuel burners and lack of ventilation in the Santiago basin.
Metropolitan Region governor Igor Garafulic claims that this year’s success is due to a good year in meteorological terms, rather than any human attempt to curb emissions. He would like to see a drop in pollution levels thanks to preventative measures, namely the government’s Anti-Pollution Policy, which has yet to be implemented.
The current policy exempt industries from serious regulation, even though their fossil fuel emissions account for 80 percent of the particulate matter in the region. Instead of cracking down on the biggest culprits such as buses, car owners, and industry, the government has concerned itself with restricting residential use of wood and coal burning heaters.
Two weeks later the speech had completely changed and some of these beneficial effects were attributed to government measures … http://www.latercera.com/contenido/680_176808_9.shtml
La Intendencia y los Ministerios de Transportes y Medio Ambiente entregaron un balance de los episodios críticos que vivió la capital dentro del período con mayor presencia de contaminación que va desde el 1 de Abril al 31 de Agosto de 2009.
A juicio de la autoridad hay satisfacción debido a que este año se constataron sólo diez alertas ambientales y dos preemergencias, lo que en la práctica significa un 65% menos de preemergencias y un 30% de alertas.
En 1997 comenzó el plan de descontaminación de la capital. Al año siguiente hubo 43 días con alertas y 23 con preemergencia.
Las buenas cifras de este año se equiparan a las positivas cifras del 2004, según explicó el Intendente, Igor Garafulic. “Es el segundo mejor año histórico y estamos satisfechos”, puntualizó.
La razón de los buenos índices responden “a mejor calidad de combustibles pues el Transantiago tiene mejores buses disponibles, la ciudadanía está comprometida y tiene mejor comportamiento con la restricción vehicular, la industria aporta lo suyo pues la Enap limpió los combustibles”, dijo la ministra de Medioambiente, Ana Lya Uriarte.
Esto a pesar de que las condiciones de ventilación fueron más deficientes que el año 2008 (39 días con mala ventilación versus 40 días en 2009).
Garafulic negó de paso que haya existido “manipulación de datos” tal cual lo denunciaron algunos diputados y una universidad.
“No hay margen ni para manipular, ni morigerar datos. La información de monitoreo de estaciones son públicos y todo se hizo de un modo eficaz, responsable, transparente y eficiente”, replicó el intendente Metropolitano.
(Use the automatic translation in the right column, I don’t want to translate everything ..)
A newspaper extract in September 2010 attests to the very observable improvement in air quality in Santiago which improved further from 2009 to 2010:
A last very striking phenomenon is the flowering of the Acatama desert in 2011, which occurred after there was more rain than usual in 2011 (50mm which is huge for a desert!). Of course this change also occurred following an orgonization of Elqui Valley and the surroundings of the Atacama desert between 2009 and 2010.
A priest who is an amateur botanist in the region named Padre Lucio even said “The last time there were so many flowers was in the 1989″..”There have been many desert bloom since then, but never like this one”.
A photo of the flowering desert made by these orgonaut friends. http://www.ethericwarriors.com/ip/viewtopic.php?t=3445
I don’t even have to mention what’s been happening in South Africa for about ten years since Georg’s from orgoniseafrica expeditions started. Now in east-central Africa people in the areas around Lake Victoria in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania are also doing miracles with orgonite, but these kinds of events don’t make the news! Farmers have more rain, there isn’t really any more drought in these parts of the African continent, there are more and more fish in the lake and more and more Africans from this region are becoming farmers, it also has a beneficial effect on violence, which is decreasing because people are all starting to have a job and are no longer unemployed. I can’t wait for someone from there to write a book to tell these adventures from their point of view!
The droughts of East Africa in 2011 did not affect the region I am talking about around Lake Victoria…