Vegetable Garden 2017

2017.04.20 :
Link to the video:
with time I’m starting to understand some cycles. Winter vegetables are very important, because in winter, in northern regions, all that’s left are fruits apple/pears, nuts/hazelnuts and some leftovers of summer vegetables, some tomatoes etc. Potatoes evidently etc. But we can also have living vegetables during the winter to eat some fresh stuff in the middle of winter :)
I forgot to mention in the video, the best way to conserve carrots, beetroots, parsnips, even potatoes, jerusalem artichokes. All root vegetables, is to leave them in the ground and harvest them when needed :) If they are not eaten by rodents.. Black radishes and other winter radishes are good as well, not summer varieties..
Cabbages/Kales must remain outside, if there are no deers and hoes also ;) They grow right in the middle of winter.
So that’s it, a small video for the winter vegetables that can stay outside in zones where it’s freezing in the winter. There are also winter spinach, cress and plants like those, but these need protection against the frost, those that are very interesting are those we can harvest fresh throughout winter and that don’t need any work to protect them :) IMO, kales are great for that and fresh onions :)
Beetroots cannot stay outside the whole winter, from what I’ve seen, they start becoming wood after january/february to start the flowering process coming afterward. The leaves of flowering beetroots are amazingly tasty in may/june :)

2017.05.03 :
Link to the video:
Small update on the garden, also continuing to follow the carrots, parsnips and cabbages/kales cycles. For other how already know me, it’s as usual, I’m not following entirely normal rules of gardening, because they’re not all great and also because I want to bread stronger and sturdier varieties of plants. :)
Producing food is still not the main focus of the garden, there’s no watering on purpose since 5 years already.

2017.06.12 :
Link to the video:
I haven’t had time to build the ‘fences’ of support to put on the sides of the bins to prevent tall plants from falling down on the paths..
Else the formation of seeds on the kales/cabbages is carrying on, by the end of june most of them should be ready. For onions it will be mi july/end july, carrots and parsnips will follow later, in all cases it’s not urgent for them as their seeds are to be resown in winter or in the beginning of next spring..
The tomatoes I have put outside by the end of may are doing really well.
Else it’s warm and dry (which is great for tomatoes) and without watering it’s hard for some plants, we’ve had since 3-4 years no single year with a “standard” weather.
This year, very dry and frost until end of april and dry and warm after..
Last year, floodings in april/mai, then very dry and hot for 3 months.
The year before, a nice spring but summer totally rainy and quite cold..
Anyhow, these are great years for me who wants plants to become sturdier, they have a lot of different harsh conditions to withstand in a couple of years!!
The strawberries installed since 3-4 years produce very well even with the total lack of rain, whereas those installed last year or 2 years ago are still struggling because of the drought, their roots are not deep enough yet.
Obviously, still no watering, except when it’s totally necessary, there I water very abundantly, mimicking nature and a good rainy storm, when the plants I want to keep on living and produce offspring are on the brink of death..
I did that twice on the young strawberries and once on the cucumbers on the 23rd of june, their roots are not deep enough yet and the soil lacks mulch to cover it.

2017.07.20 :
Link to the video:
Follow up on the garden, harvest of cabbage, kale, kohlrabi seeds and some weeding.
Skip form 2min35 to 9min10 and from 11min40 to 18min10 if you don’t want to watch the accelerated video of me weeding a bit the garden.