Small overview
Shungite got its name from the village Shunga, on the shores of the Onezhskoe (Onega) lake in Karelia, Russia, where it was discovered in 1887. It started being studied more in depth starting from the 60′s.
It’s an organic compound composed in majority of carbon, silica and mica, which seems to have formed during the Precambrian era (4500 – 500 million years ago), but it remains a supposition among other, we’ll get back to it later.
It’s already important to note that it’s an organic compound (or mineraloid), it cannot be classified as a mineral compound.
Diamond and graphite are also organic compounds, FYI:
Organic compound:
Is a compound in which the molecule contains the carbon atom C, except carbon dioxide CO2 and carbonates M(CO3).Mineral compound:
Is a compound in which the molecule does not contain the carbone atom; are considered as mineral compounds: carbon dioxide CO2 and carbonates M(CO3).
Quick description
Shungite is known for many of its peculiar properties, one of those being the presence of fullerenes, that being said it must be understood that apparently it contains only an tiny percentage of fullerenes, around 0.0001% and 0.001%. Bu tas small as it seems, it’s not negligible and it’s not the whole story!
The other, most known, properties of shungite are almost all due to this presence of fullerenes; sorption, desorption, catalytic oxidation; which are all the reason behind most of the virtues of shungite.
The structure of fullerene is quite a recent discovery, until 1995 this structure of carbon was unknown, it was thought that only two forms of carbon existed: graphite and diamond.
There are many possible forms of fullerenes, natural and artificial: C24, C28, C32, C36, C50, C60, C70, C76, C84, …
Fullerenes contained in shungite are mostly C60. And it must be understood that shungite does not contain ‘normal’ fullerenes, they confer a very important property to shungite different form standard fullerenes. More precisely, it’s ‘water-soluble molecular compounds based on a fullerene-like core’ that are part of shungite. This creates an onion-like structure, in which the core is usually a C60 fullerene or fullerene like nanopowder; surrounded by hydrated or solvated layers; mostly hydrated by water molecules, which makes them water-soluble. Because pure fullerenes are not water-soluble, which makes them completely useless for living organisms! Wit hrespect to that, shungite is very special!
There is also another important difference between that structure of carbon and diamond/graphite. Shungite is stable, it cannot change state/structure. Whereas graphite can always transform into diamond (under pressure) and diamonds transform into graphite as soon as they are removed from the high pressure conditions they formed in. It’s a natural increase of entropy. Graphite is a form more stable than diamond, hence diamond naturally tends to re-transform into graphite when it can. But it’s veeeeery slow, before the diamond on a ring turned back into graphite, many hundreds of human generations will have worn that ring without noticing any change.
One can apparently create shungite by exposing it to high temperatures close to those found near the sun, above 4000 °C. I’m writing that, but I’m not sure, because the documentation I used as support is quite ambiguous on that subject… However, the reverse process is absolutely impossible, once it becomes shungite it remains as shungite forever! At least for now (April 2015) no one has found a way to transform shungite into something else.
History of its origins
The appearance/formation of shungite is still a mystery… We understand how it can form, but we don’t know if it happened on earth or somewhere else. A thing seems almost certain, as indicated earlier, shungite seems to date back to the Precambrian era, so if it is 1 billion years old or more is quite likely. What has been confirmed for the moment, is the way shungite could have formed, a study in the Onega lake it was determined that there was an accumulation of more than 1000m thickness of repeated layers:
1. of random strata
2. of migration of strata of diapir
3. of strata re-deposited of clastic rocks.
Which seems to be a big proof of diapiric formations linked to mud volcanoes. But nothing can be proven! The are a couple of known shungite deposits on earth, the largest is in Karelia, but there are also some in Zaire in the mine of Shaba, or in India in Andhra Pradesh, in the USA in the Michigan, in Russia in the region of the Ural, in Austria in the regions of Salzburg, Styria and Tyrol. Shungite: Shungite mineral information and data.
The other hypothesis often discussed, is that it is meteorites that brought shungite on earth. Because there are interesting photos made by Mr. Kovalevsky (Comparison of carbon in shungite rocks to other natural carbons: An X-ray and TEM study.) showing carbon structures, similar to those observed on shungite, that were observed on the remains of a meteorite.
The important point to remember, is that the conditions required for the natural creation of shungite (very high temperatures) couldn’t have happened on earth, except a long time ago. Hence, either all the shungite deposits formed with the conditions that existed on earth during the Precambrian era in places containing, among other things, a lot of carbon in various forms. Or there were different meteorites that brought shungite on earth in different locations. Diamond and graphite can form on earth nowadays with low temperatures (compared to those needed for shungite) and hence these forms of carbon could have formed later and can still form naturally nowadays, which is not the case for shungite, at least not with what is understood nowadays.
That’s why there’s no definite answer to this question up to now, no one can really tell. Personally I tend to think that a bit of both happened; some deposits formed on earth, others come form space.
Or maybe there are still other answers to be found which no one thought about yet..
Because I’ll get back to it below, neither the concentration of fullerenes (0.001%-0.0001%), nor the way they formed is clear, there are many documents saying quite different things!
Benefits of shungite
Now we arrive at something that is of interest to a lot of people!
In fact a lot of properties considered nowadays sometimes still bit mystical, are very easy to explain, it’s pure physical science!
I already explained above, shungite has three main properties, a large capacity for sorption and desorption and a natural tendency to promote a catalytic oxidation of complex molecules.
You’ll ask me, what does it mean?
I use this term in its full meaning to show the difference between adsorption and absorption. Shungite has the property of adsorption, sorption being the generic name to describe the process by which a substance is ad/ab-sorbed by a sorbant. Adsoprtion is specific for the interaction between a liquid/gaseous (air, water for example) substance with a solid sorbant substance, here, shungite.
It’s this property that allows shungite to have depolluting/purifying properties on water, soils, air etc. The pollutant compounds in these gases/liquids end up being attracted and fixed on the surface of the molecules of shungite, and that’s not all!t!
It’s simply the inverse process of sorption, which allows the sorbated molecules to detach from the substrate, i.e. the shungite to release what it attracted.
Catalytic oxidation
It’s the third very important property of shungite and without it, the shungites’ sorption and desorption properties wouldn’t be as interesting. A catalytic oxidation is the process of oxidizing substances thanks to a catalyst.
For example, like the catalytic converter of a car.
In the case of shungite, it is shungite itself that acts as the catalytic converter, apparently thanks to its hydrated fullerene-like compounds. Simply stated, shungite is able to decompose a complex molecule into its constituent elements. Lets take hydrocarbons for example, which are, grossly described, just chains of carbon and hydrogen atoms. Octane for example, which is the principal compound in our petrol, C8H18, under that form it is toxic for the environment, in the presence of shungite the atoms of carbon can be separated from the hydrogen ones by a catalytic oxidation to transform into molecules of CO2 and water molecules H2O.
Oxidation means that the atom binds with oxygen…
I won’t go into very complex details of chemistry; just note that these three properties of shungite, allow shungite to have massive de-polluting effects in a whole lot of different circumstances!
This is what gives the antioxidant properties to shungite, i.e. shungite attracts and neutralizes free-radicals if ingested.
I won’t go into the technical details that are a consequence of these properties, because I don’t even know them myself and there are still a lot of contradictions in the information I’ve found. Higher above I said: “neither the concentration of fullerenes (0.001%-0.0001%), nor the way they formed is clear”, it’s especially on that detail that I would like to have an answer.
The most in depth informations I found on the topic, from Eduard V. Osipov seem to indicate that it is more the way that shungite is extracted that engender these peculiar properties, it is during the extraction and the interaction with water that the nanoscopic matrices crystallize thanks to the solvating molecules. Which beget the apparition of fullerene-like compounds, but as I said higher up, are based on a fullerene-like core with successive layers added around it. It seems that shungite does not directly contain carbon fullerenes, but that during the process of extraction, the impurities (in majority metals and sulfur) plus water and the solvents used lead to the spontaneous formation of these fullerene-like structures with hydrated external layers. That afterward end up with/in the shungite in the form of dusts with nanometric components, which are, it seems, the real reason behind the properties of shungite.
I can hover not confirm anything, I’m just summarizing for you what I have found.
However, no matter the how, sorption, desorption and the natural tendency to promote catalytic oxidation are well documented.
- Shungite has a capacity to absorb the substances that are present in infinitesimal quantities in water. It’s perfect to deeply purify water, shungite is good to use in the final stages of water purification systems. It’s very useful to remove medical waster by-products, free-radicals, heavy-metals, etc.
- What is wonderful, is that shungite can equally well purify purify air, by putting it into air filters etc. It can also be used to purify soils, it is for example very useful to clean up (by sorption and catalytic oxidation) organochlorinated compounds: of which the most known are pesticides, “Chlorinated cyclodienes include aldrin, dieldrin, endrin, heptachlor, chlordane and endosulfan.”, also PCBs and dioxin Organochloride
- Another example is with heptyls (which are a form of alkyl), the normal recycling process for these compounds produces sub-products as toxic as the original compound! In the presence of shungite and under specific conditions (mix of sugar, manganese…) a purification of 100% has been reached. Deactivation of soil polluted with liquid propellant components
What is very important to note is that shungite has these 3 properties combined; sorption, desorption and catalytic oxidation; which can have effects on many molecules, simple ones and complex ones.
That means that you must also understand that shungite can become saturated with toxic compounds (by sorption), but it can also be cleaned and freed of these compounds (by desorption).
To explain what can happen, lets take an example of the cleaning up of petroleum compounds with some organochlorinated (pesticides..). The catalytic oxidation will transform the complex hydrocarbon and organochlorinated molecules into simple elements, i.e. water (based on the hydrogen and oxygen collected from teh air and present in the hydrocarbons and the hydrogen present in the organochlorinated compounds), CO2 and Chlorine. These elements in their simple forms are harmless and will simply be able to fix themselves to the shungite (by sorption) or be released in nature. However, it should be noted that organochlorinated compounds often contain heavy-metals in small quantities, and petroleum products do as well. Lets says lead and mercury, these two heavy-metals will be absorbed by the shungite.
In that case, slowly but surely the shungite will become saturated with heavy-metals which shouldn’t be released randomly in nature! Hence by cleaning the stone, to make it release these substances by desorption, it will need to be evacuated in the right place!
How to clean shungite? I’ll get to it further down.
Shungite qualities/classes
There are generally 3 classes of shungite on the market, these classes simply define the carbon content and amount of impurities in shungite.
- 1st class:
1st class shungite contains 98-99% of carbon, or more. It is the most expensive, because it is the purest. It is apparently quite rare; less that 1% of the shungite is of that purity. It is non-crystalline and, without being polished, naturally shiny or with a metallic appearance. It has a very low density, stones of 1st class seem very light! Being almost only pure carbon, 1st class shungite is generally sold in its rough form, because it is quite brittle and hence hard to polish.
- 2nd and 3rd class:
The 2nd class contains less than 98% of carbon, I cannot tell you exactly how much, because I can’t find precise details. It seems that it goes from 98 to 70% for 2nd class and from 70 to 30% for 3rd class. These classes contain much more silicate and mica. It’s the more abundant prevalence of silicate and mica that makes them less brittle and dull looking, non-metallic and powdery, when touched they darken our hands like coal. They can be found rough or as polished stones.
Even when polished, be it 2nd or 3rd class, when taken in the hands they still have a tendency to blacken anything that comes in contact with them, however 2nd class containing a lot of carbon don’t blacken that much, they must be really rubbed to notice it!
- Other classes:
Just for information, there are sometimes classes 4 and 5, or they can also be classified as A, B, C, D, E. All that you have to remember is that: A/1 is the one with the most carbon content and E/5 (or whichever is the lowest) is the one with the least carbon content.
Since there are a couple of articles scaring people about this subject (more on the french internet!), it seemed important to speak about it!
For the anecdote, the absence of any sort of negative effect can be proven by the springs of Karelia, where shungite comes from, the N°1 health center of russia (Marcialnie Vodi, or Marcial Waters Resort) uses these sources abundantly. What’s interesting is that the Russian literature clearly states that these healing properties are due to the presence of shungite, but france completely ignores it and says that it is iron that is responsible for these effects, and that the health center attracts no one anymore… Marcial (Spa russe), that being said, the historic reputation of the healing properties of this place are known to all! For the fact that French literature, and English also (but a bit less), ignores shungite seems normal, because more than 90% of the sources of information I find about shungite are all from Russia, it seems that it attracts the attention of no person of science outside of Russia.
The second spring with healing properties due to shungite is in the north of the Onega lake, called “Tri Ivana”. Water there is completely transparent and there is nothing special measurable in it, and yet it heals skin problems with perfection.
Many people visited this source to get healed, in spite of the lack of infrastructures. Apparently the forest there is covered with clothes. According to a Russian custom saying that is a person is healed it should leave his/her clothes on the spot, many people seem to have been healed!
What I understand from that fits perfectly the way in which shungite is supposed to work, thanks to the hydrated fullerene-like molecules and hence the healing effects are probably not caused by the carbon directly, but by the interaction between water and shungite which promotes the spontaneous formation of these nanoparticles which then become hydrated fullerenes.
Lets get back to the radioactivity topic, I suppose it is possible that some stones coming from I don’t know where are radioactive, after all, these are stones coming from more or less deep hydrocarbons layers of the earth etc. Or it is not a well known fact, but all petrol extraction platforms become radioactive with time, because anything that comes from deep underground is radioactive to a certain degree.
As you can see it on this article from the New York Times in 1990:
Or this extract of an article of 1958 barely readable I managed to save long ago:
Anyhow, lets get back to business after this brief detour.
People are scared of radioactivity because it can cause genetic mutations. Personally I wonder if all these mutations are bad, can’t there be forms of light radioactivity that provoke beneficial mutations?
That’s what I think, because we’re still quite far from understanding radioactivity as a whole, we have alpha, beta, gamma etc. radiations, but the only thing that science takes into account is the energy of the vibration (and the mass of the particle for some cases), nowhere is the specific shape of the waveform being taken into account? Is it a pure sine wave, of a fundamental frequency modulated in a complex fashion (adding a lot of subharmonics or just some). While no one will be able to give me a satisfying answer to these questions, I cannot personally take into account what modern science has to say about the subject, it is way too simplified for my taste, I studied it at university, I know what I’m talking about!
Wilhelm Reich modified a Geiger counter to measure orgone and it seems very logical to ma, positive orgone being, from my point of view, just the presence of a lof of coherence/harmonics between many vibrations (be they electric, magnetic, electromagnetic, physical/auditive) and deadly orgone being just an absence of harmony/coherence; or even better said, extreme destructive interferences and signals that can’t be harmonics of anything, for example like PSK which creates totally deformed waveforms that cannot be put in coherence with anything… Anyway it seems logical to me that we can induce harmonicities or in-harmonicities between multiples waves at an atomic scale as well and thus that it can be measured.
That being said, you don’t have to bother about my point of view on this matter, to ease your minds I bought a Geiger counter to measure the radioactivity levels on shungite I bought, so it’s simple and what I think becomes irrelevant in terms of convincing about that matter.
(The radex counter doesn’t measure alpha radiations)
I explained the calculations a bit too quickly on the video, for scientific people these are useless explanations, and for those that don’t understand it was too quick!
There are units, my counter measures in µSv/h. To convert to different units (nano, micro ,milli), 1000000 nSv = 1000 µSv = 1 mSv
And official organisms usually use mSV per year as a measuring unit, and not by hour. In a year there are (365 days) X (24 hours) = 8760 hours.
To convert the values from the counter (µSv/h) to (mSv/year) you have to multiply the value of the counter by 8760 (hour -> year) and divide by 1000 (micro -> milli), which makes in the end a simple multiplication by 8,76.
Official organisms, depending on the country will show, that 1-3 mSv/year is the average dose a human is exposed to on this planet, from natural sources and human sources combined.
With the value I measured in my workshop on the box of shungite rocks, 0.14 µSv/h, which makes 1.23 mSv/year.
With the value I measured in my room on samples of shungite from, 0.21 µSv/h, which makes 1.84 mSv/year.
Whichever I chose, it is within the accepted doses for humans, much less that an average smoker, much less than someone having a CT scan each year, etc.
And there is no need to remain near the shungite all the time, as you saw, when I went a couple of meters away to measure the levels somewhere else in my room, it was around 0.10 µSv/h (0.876 mSv/year)…
As you can see on the diagram above we’re far from the dangerous levels of 20-100 mSv/year etc.
It’s up to you, for me this light natural radioactivity is fine, I feel that this stone is beneficial for me at some moment, so I won’t stop using it!
For information, on the french vidéo I made, the counter gave 0.18 µSv/h (1.57 mSv/year) for both measurements.
I don’t hide it, one of the sellers I talk about in the video, made a deal with me, where I get 10% on all sales passing through here. Hence in return, it seemed normal to me to explain what/how to use shungite and to certify that the shungite they sell is indeed shungite, not much more radioactive than other naturally radioactive stones, for example like granitic places in the middle of france (~3 mSv/year).
Because there is some controversy about shungite being highly radioactive and dangerous. Maybe these people got stones that weren’t shungite.
To get back to I accepted their offer because they have fantastic prices, I didn’t want to become another middlemen to increase prices needlessly, it’s best to send you directly to the source! However it takes around 2 weeks for the package to arrive (to europe) because it’s coming from russia. For heavy orders (above 1kg) shipping prices are more consequent, but for small orders, some stones, bracelets, etc. it’s great. I would just be grateful if you told them you come from here if yo udecide to get something from them.
How to use shungite
With all that I’ve described previously, we can summarize everything more or less as follows.
Shungite can be used to purify all sorts of environments, for the air, for the soil, for liquids…
It also has, thanks to these same purifying properties, powerful antibacterial and aseptic effects, it’s useful to use it as an antiseptic.
Shungite is also very useful to treat humans, animals and plants, just thanks to its depolluting properties and the fact that it can be ingested without any troubles, like activated charcoal.
What’s also interesting, is to use a shungite stone near a wound, an hematoma or any kind of injury (open or closed) creating various pains. It should mechanically lower the pain in many cases, because our body reacts to such injuries by releasing enzymes, white blood cells, red blood cells etc. to heal the injury, but also free-radicals and various toxins due to the inflammatory reaction. Placed on the painful zone, shungite will attract these molecules and toxins released by our body, usually these molecules partly increase our pain!
Apparently Koreans use shungite to purify fish of the toxins they accumulate in seawater! Personally that seems, to me, to be a very good idea to apply to the fish we eat! Let the fish bath in water with shungite. What I’d recommend, to have quick effects, is a container with approximately half of the volume in water and half of the volume as rough shungite stones. And just place the fish in it for a couple of hours should be more than enough to benefit from the absorbing properties of shungite.
With much less shungite, just bathe the fish for longer…
I will talk about the properties to protect against electromagnetic waves below and separately.
Metaphysical properties
I use these terms to indicate that I’ll now go a bit astray from what’s considered objective and material science, to speak about subtle things and about properties that are still difficult to prove with objective/material means.
Shungite seems to restore the mental health of a person, which is great, because it’s simple and it works well!
Shungite, like orgonite, seems also to be able to neutralize geopathogen zones.
You will see on any lithotherapy website that the classification of shungite is quite special, naturally, being a black stone it has grounding features and protection/absorption of the surrounding negativity, like many other black stones, for example black tourmaline, black obsidian etc.
But on top of that, shungite has a powerful effect on all chakras, to realign/recenter them. That’s why I love it personally, I feel as if the stone is always changing its “attitude” all the time to adapt to the needs. Sometimes it works more on one chakra, sometimes more on another one, sometimes on multiple ones at once. It’s very special!
For me it’s not metaphysical at all, shungite works in the same way orgonite does, I’ll explain it below, keep on reading, it’s not over.
Protection against electromagnetic waves
Shungite is a relatively good electrical conductor (a couple of ohms of resistance), with apparently a high attenuation for electromagnetic waves.
For your information:
The electrical conductivity is a very practical property to know if your have proper shungite. You just have to measure the resistance of the stone with a voltmeter, if it indicates a couple of ohms, it is shungite. Else any other stone is almost always non-conducting and hence will indicate you an infinite resistance.
To get back to the attenuation, it is expressed in term of frequencies, for example sunglasses attenuate well the intensity of visible light, but they change nothing for a lot of other frequencies. And I do not know these details with regards to shungite.
All I found mentioning attenuations at the frequencies of interest to us (microwaves) are documents from the Minsk University in Belarus with tests on pyramids covered of a shungite powder paint or filled with shungite. Indicating that the paint or the stone have an attenuation around 20 to 25 dB for frequencies above 2 GHz, Shielding Properties of Electromagnetic Radiation Absorbers with Geometrical and Structure Heterogeneities.
That being said, these details are not very important, it’s not in the plans of many people to paint a room with a shungite powder paint, or to cover a room with shungite tiles. It would be using the same principles as making Faraday cages, therefore someone intending to do that might as well make a metallic Faraday cage that blocks everything!
Metatechnical explanation of shungite :
However what is of interest to me is the structure of shungite, it is very similar to orgonite! It’s an electrical conductor with a resistance of a couple of ohms and it is exactly the same for the resin/metal mix of orgonite. Shungite is mainly composed of carbon, with silica (SiO2 = quartz!) and mica ‘impurities’ and also other small impurities, of which metals. Orgonite is composed of long carbonated chains, metal and quartz.
But shungite can also act on the magnetic components of electromagnetic fields. It can been seen exactly like orgonite, shungite can capt/emit electromagnetic waves, electric fields and the quartz inside shungite can act as an oscillator and then the shungite can re-emit the harmonized signal thanks to the quartz. However, in shungite, the carbon acting as conductor can also conduct magnetic fields, I don’t know exactly what it can lead up to, certainly with interferences it can influence the totality of the electromagnetic waves that are picked up and not only just on the electric fields as with orgonite.
I find in that sense that shungite is even more powerful than orgonite, because it can play on the electric and magnetic fields of electromagnetic waves, but shungite is so special that we cannot tell on what it will act. With an orgonite, we put some stones in it and we know more or less on which energetical aspects it will act. Shungite, does as it pleases!
Adding shungite in orgonite is an evident positive bonus I just don’t do it generally (up to now, may 2015), because I find shungite way too powerful and unpredictable , it can really affect us very strongly, I don’t feel ready to take that responsibility, because by doing that I’m expecting even more questions and effects on people. Shungite is, I feel, a very powerful ally for personal growth, without even mentioning the above discussed cleaning properties that are easily proven by science!
That being said, shungite is self-sufficient, it doesn’t need to be inside an orgonite to have enormous effects.
How to cleanse/purify shungite?
From an energetical point of view, it is said almost everywhere that shungite cannot get charged and hence doesn’t need any cleaning/cleansing.
But from a more down to earth point of view, for water filters for example, it is recommended to change the stones every 6 months of so, because they’ll be saturated with toxic compounds etc. absorbed to purify the water.
How do we reconciliate these two aspects, it doesn’t need to be purified but it absorbs toxins physically? According to me there is nothing to reconcile, it goes perfectly well with what I understand about shungite! Whether we see it from a ‘spiritual’ or ‘materialistic’ point of view, for me it changes nothing at all! The additional property; on top of sorption, desorption and catalysis; which is obvious in my opinion, is a process of vibratory harmonization, like orgonite, as I explained in the previous chapter. That’s also the reason why it cannot charge itself with bad energies, energetically speaking, because it works like an orgonite, it transmutes inharmonious vibes mixes into harmonious ones.
And with regards to the concern of purifying it physically, “when it accumulated too many toxins”. I talk about the subject on this page,
Questions about Cloudbusters > Chemtrails? and I don’t need to say anything else here either.
I cannot prove how the cleaning of the toxic compounds in chemtrails occurs, but my theory is quite simple. It’s an atomic transmutation of the elements, i.e. a transformation of the nucleus of these harmful materials, which transforms them into harmless elements. But don’t come to me for remarks , I studied that myself at university, the transmutation of elements is not considered as a possible feat at such low energies… But that’s a much vaster topic, for me it’s obvious the orgonite acts on the vibrational structure of atoms at an atomic scale, but that’s beyond the actual scientific understandings, hence patience, the time will come.
Shungite can free itself from the accumulated toxins by desorption, by rinsing it with water or other ‘cleaning’ things, however here I can unfortunately not tell you what works best and how. And then by transmuting the toxins as well.
I think it’s just an equilibrium to respect, if shungite is exposed to too many toxins too quickly it won’t be able to transmute everything quickly enough, hence you’ll need to clean it up physically. Generally it is recommended to change the shungite stones used to purify water every 6 months, as I said above. But I don’t think it is necessary to throw them away, but I do think it’s good to have a couple of different batches to interchange them once in a while to let others self-clean themselves, while other are doing the work etc. And as with orgonite, I’m convinced that you just have to leave shungite outside in contact with the elements of nature and it will self-cleanse.
But I’d tend to leave shungite for many weeks outside, for orgonite a couple of hours is enough, because orgonite just cleanses energetically (yes, it ends up also transmuting toxins, but shungite absorbs them physically.. orgonite does none of that), shungite does both! Energetically and physically; I feel shungite deserves more relaxing/recharging time.
Documents used for the writing of this article :
Deactivation of soil polluted with liquid propellant components
A giant Palaeoproterozoic deposit of shungite in NW Russia: genesis and practical applications
The structure and composition of natural carbonaceous fullerene containing mineral shungite
Shungite: Shungite mineral information and data.
Supramolecular Self-assembly of Carbon Structures from Shungite Rock Using Only Water
Interaction of shungite carbon nanoparticles with blood protein and cell components
Natural Fullerene-based Self-assemblies during Fullerenes Extraction from Shungite Rocks Using Only Water
Healing Shungite: From Mystifications to Reality (Eduard V. Osipov)
Comparison of carbon in shungite rocks to other natural carbons: An X-ray and TEM study (Kovalevsky)
Shielding Properties of Electromagnetic Radiation Absorbers with Geometrical and Structure Heterogeneities
Backup of the data used/cited in this article: data